Monday, December 14, 2009


Some may say we are run with emotions that incidently steers which way we steer this vogage of life... I am also one of these believers..
My outlook on life is positive always trying to be positive, in truth always trying to mask real emotion with a rose coloured glasses outlook... i do truley believe one has to face emotion.. if your angry show it.. if you sad cry, if your happy laugh (and please share it) and if your just not feeling like being around anyone go and find your quiet spot and just be with your thoughts... this to me is the only way to work through our sometimes hopeless emotions...  we all deal with life's emotions differently.. i do also belive wholey and souly in my previous blogs but please let me add to it! The only way I got over my 3 -4 year realtionship which was meant to be complimented with a wedding just week and a bit ago was to feel & live through every emotion i felt... sad, frustrated, happy, self dought, imagin things were different and last but not least be proud of myself for putting up such a fight for a man i really did love... Fortunaly my boxing gloves are now retired in that relationship and now my emotion of finding my new found future it's dam exciting, scarey and extremely daughting... but i have my new gloves of life on and am going to fight until i cant fight no longer to be the best i can be, the strongest i can be and most of all just being me :) and looking forward to finding a new crew of friends/loved ones to enjoy my new vogage of life with me :)

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