Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Unsure Emotions

Im currently at work at the moment, and I've just come back from my morning break. On my break i found out some news which brings me to my Blog's topic "unsure emotions" what happens when a situation arrises or you've been told some news you really don't know how you feel about... you know something is not sitting right inside but you just don't know what you are feeling or how you should be feeling!

Maybe its your head and your heart having a debate???

Your head is saying "don't worry about it its nothing important etc" and your heart is saying "ouch that hurt"

and your left feeling a little... empty?

My wonderful workmate just ask really good question "What kind of future do I foresee with this circumstance, what would I like to get out of it?"

Because this news had to do with my past... I guess to me, that part of my past is now complete and there is no need/ want to see it in my future... So after taking a deep breath absorbing how I felt in the moment... I know am at peace with the news and im now left feeling full of certainty once again... Thanks Troy :) your support through the year has certainly been appreciated... You rock xxoo

Today must be one of those days very spiritual kind of days... im very in tune with human thoughts and emotions its like I almost feel spirits around me... I know deep and a bit who do voodo but its true... i can feel something/someone is certainly very present and i believe it is more then 1... geesss I better behave :)

Until next time keep smiling... or laughing... or crying which ever it is you need to do :) xxx

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