Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Living Dead

My question/thoughts are do we have to have a terminal illness in order to be dieing? Or are we simply choosing to lead a dead life regardless of our health? Let me explain.

Ok for those who have just been given a set time to live have just had the wind knocked out of their sails... and go through the process of every emotion god has given us to ever experience, mostly though those of which we never ever want to feel.. For some there comes a time of acceptance and positive attitude in order to carry out everything one wants to share and do before the second journey starts to heaven/afterlife (or where ever their belive is) therefore the last days, months years are always realistic that life is short and you have to live it with your eyes wide open taking in every single detail around you being grateful for everyday you wake up in the morning.

And some choose to stay in the depression stage literaly wasting valuable time really living and bringing the ones that will be left behind just as depressed.
Then you have the ones that have good health, good family, good job etc and choose just to want more and more out of life with the attitude of "When i buy/ get this Ill be happy"...or "when I achieve this that will make me happy" or "if I loose weight or bulk up then ill be happy" and the list continues.
But the whole time their focus is on the future and not the present... its like the old saying "today is a gift that is why it is called the present".
So for these people, they arent really living they are just exsisting which to me is a dead life...

Then you have thoes who want to stay in the past and never move on....

Ones that have had a shonky upbringing/ childhood and hate the world because of how they were treated and believe that everyone around them owes them they are really living a dead life...
Instead of pulling their finger out of their backside and saying well that is my past's I want different for my future and my childrens future I should be thankful I have learnt what not to do....

You have people who everything is never good enough.. never ever appreciating what is put on that silver little platter of theirs... cause they have never ever had to work for a dam thing they have and believe that everyone else is below them... i bet they dont even know what a sunset feels like... yes i said feels... :) to me their life is dead.. with no purpose and no meaning...

Unfortunatly there is only a small minority of people that choose to live a life of love, laughter, inspiration & giving... only people who feel sunsets, wind on their face and other peoples happiness can truely say they are living... life is not a matter of health, possesions, wealth or other fundamental things, to me it is measured by priceless moment... "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away" (quote unknown source)...
My conclusion, choose to live the rest of our days regardless of health with an outlook and a realistic vision it could very well be our last... do things your afraid to do... go places you thought only exsisted in dreams.. Love like you cant loose... to me i would rather have regrets over something i did then something i was too afraid to do... cause it would be a regret of mine to say "what if"

Everyones Normal is different everyones "ok" is different.. personally for a recently single individual such as myself I have no idea what my new normal is or what my new ok is... but looking forward to finding out... my new focus on my life and its journey and how i can inspire others with the experience i have lived through...and do my darnest to make sure I dont live a dead life... so no more handbrakes or caution signs for me... 2010 im taking risks leaving the handbrakes and caution to the past... :) watch out world here i come... cause as life has it.. it could very well be my last year... I myself have been given a 75% chance of getting another deadly melanoma i may never find... if not then what a story i will have to tell about the last days :)

Who wants in?

1 comment:

  1. So my little sibbling... my quest to ensure you do not live a dead life, is to make sure you put your money where your mouth is... Action what you speak so profoundly of and make sure you don't become another statistic of all talk to action... love you Spunky Trunks to the moon and back... mmmmwwwwwaaaa
